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Over 63 million people in Mexico (53%) live in poverty. In rural communities, 62% suffer its devastating effects (1). 


To help alleviate this problem, Block by Block, a US non-profit corporation, has partnered with Ayúdame que yo También soy Mexicano, A.C. ("ATM").


ATM provides a sustainable, award-winning, self-construction housing program in Mexico's most marginalized rural communities. ATM's unique model materially improves families' living conditiions and sense of pride. 


Please help us bring relief to thousands of families in need.


(1) World Bank


  • Please consider donating and help improve the lives of marginalized rural families in Mexico. 

  • Every $100 in donations contributes 56 fabricated blocks towards the construction of a home. Did you know the average American spends $84 a month on coffee? 


  •  A $3,550 donation fully sponsors the construction of a single family home.

  • Consider donating - whatever you can afford - on a recurring monthly basis. It is automatic and ongoing and helps us secure a steady source of contributions. No more emails or reminders from us!


  • Sponsor the construction of a family's home.


  • Volunteer and contribute your time and effort. Get your employer, school or church to participate.


  • Cash or in-kind donations from generous corporate donors and sponsors are needed!


  • Corporate-sponsored volunteering missions are a great way to support our work.

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