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Ayúdame que yo También soy Mexicano, AC ("ATM")



ATM, is an award-winning, Mexico-based, non-profit organization founded in 2000 with the mission of promoting the sustainable development of marginalized communities in Mexico through the self-construction of single-family housing units and other community improvement projects. (Please see ATM Presentation below)


ATM identifies rural communities which can benefit from its house construction and development projects and initiates a dialogue with members and local governments to garner their support and commitment. ATM staff then teach community members its proprietary "machihembloque" sustainable construction process.


As part of their contribution towards the value of a new house, beneficiaries must participate in the construction of their own home, as well as in community improvement projects, such as the construction of water cisterns, PET recycling efforts, lavatory construction, among others.


ATM has earned numerous awards, including First Prize in the prestigious Iniciativa Mexico Competition in 2011. Since its founding, ATM has participated in the construction of over 1,270 houses and 1,150 community improvement projects, directly benefiting over 12,000 people in need.

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